Unify Your Marketing

All-in-one CRM &

Automation Solution

Take your business to the next level with Entium. Keep all your leads, messages, and marketing, all in one place. Track your opportunities, automate your marketing, and deliver better results, through our all-in-one software.

Stress less. Do more.

Bring on more leads, while keeping everything easy to manage - in one, incredibly powerful platform

With Entium, we put the power back into your hands. No need to juggle 8 different tabs to keep track of your various different marketing tools - with Entium, you have access to everything you need, all under one platform.

By combining all your existing processes into one place, we make managing your business as simple as possible, and because it is under one software, everything you do will carry across all channels.

Stop juggling multiple subscriptions!

You can stop worrying about keeping your various subscriptions up to date every month, ending with a massive monthly bill. just to keep your marketing active.

Combine all of your digital business tools into one, all powerful platform, with Entium.

What we provide:

  • Opportunity Pipelines - All your leads, organised into stages.

  • Customer Messaging Software - Email, SMS, FB and Instagram messages, Phone Calls, LinkedIn, TikTok, and more - all combined into one place.

  • Calendar Bookings - Let your customers book in with you, from your set availability.

  • Email and SMS Marketing - Automate emails, SMS, and more.

  • Website, Email, Form, and Survey Builder - customise the way your customers interact with your business.

  • Review Management - Send out review requests, and keep track of your incoming reviews.

  • Collect Payments - Use payment links to collect payments easily.

How we do it

We bring all your current marketing processes, into one place.


We explore your current marketing methods


We look at how we are able to help you improve your practices


We import all your existing software into one, simple, platform


Grow your business, with our powerful tools at your disposal.

Let your customers book YOU in, not the other way around

Have your calendar fill up with valuable leads, by using our calendar booking system, customers can find you, and book in work with you - all without the need to spend time on the phone, or messaging back and fourth.

Email not getting through? Now try SMS

With an open rate of 90%, SMS is one of the most effective ways of contacting customers. No matter if its sending payment links, reminders, or appointment bookings, with Entium, you can implement the power of SMS marketing into your business.

  • Use SMS marketing to improve response rates, and get through to your leads.

  • Manage all of your SMS messaging, and automation, from one place.

Sound Good?

Build Your Digital Marketing Engine Today

Our experts will walk you through getting your business setup, and give you all the tools you need to bring your business to the next level.

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